
Friday, January 28, 2011

Stability Balls as Chairs

Stability balls A.K.A. one of the EASIEST and CHEAPEST ways to improve core strength!!! Use a stability ball instead of chair while sitting at a desk or while watching T.V.  Ever stand up after a long day and work and find it difficult to loosen up? Ever sit on the couch and notice how bad your posture is and how much your lower back hurts? PROBLEM SOLVED! Sitting on it is really fun and it stimulates your mind more than sitting on a hard chair....yes that's correct, sitting on one will make you smarter! Okay, well maybe only a little, but it certainly can't hurt. Stability balls, also known as exercise balls NOT medicine balls, can be found at any sports or department store, usually cost about $12, and almost always come with a pump.

When purchasing one, it is best to get one according to your height:

55 cm - 4'11" - 5'4"
65 cm - 5'5" - 5'11"
75 cm - 6'0" - 6' 7"

When starting out:
  • Ask your workplace if they would mind if you sat on one, they do have actual "chairs," but these are more expensive and not as effective.
  • If you are unable to bring one to work, make sure to use one at home.
  • Sit next to something sturdy until you are confident.
  • Make sure both feet are firmly on the ground.
  • Sit on it for a duration you can handle, and work up to longer times.
  • Have fun with it, and enjoy your new stronger core!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Adding more Fruits and Veggies!

How many fruits did you eat yesterday? How many vegetables? If you are an American, chances are not too many. In recent years 68% of Americans did not get the recommended amounts of fruits daily and 74% did not get the recommended amount of vegetables daily. Adding these fiber packed foods loaded with vitamins, minerals, and taste are not only good for the waistline, but are wallet friendly as well. Good news is it is easier than you think to get enough fruits and veggies into your day-to-day life.

How many servings does the USDA recommend?
Fruits: 2-4 a day
Vegetables: 3-5 a day

What is a serving?
  • 1 small whole fruit
  • 1/4 cup dried with NO added sugar*
  • 3/4 cup frozen or canned with NO added sugar*
* check the ingredient list for sugar, not the nutrition facts. Fruit has PLENTY of natural sugars and will taste sweet without adding all those extra empty calories.

  • 1/2 cup cooked/ canned
  • 1 cup raw
Does juice count as a serving?
Though 1/2 cup of 100% juice is considered a serving, it does not contain fiber like whole fruits and veggies, therefore should not be counted as one of your servings. If you do  choose to drink juice, watch your intake, these calories will add up fast!

What can adding more fruits and vegetables do for me?
  • Increase weight loss 
  • Lower cholesterol levels
  • Improve blood pressure 
  • Lessen your risk of heart disease
  • Lessen your risk of some cancers
  • Give you more energy
  • Keep you "regular"
  • Add color for aesthetically pleasing meals
  • Save you money
How can I add more fruits?
  • Mix different fruits into blender to make a variety of smoothies
  • Bring dried fruits with you for an easy snack on the go (mangoes are my favorite)
  • Make a big fruit salad so it is an easy snack to grab when you want something sweet
  • Eat frozen fruit slices right from the bag....ever tried frozen pineapple? YUM
  • Add fresh berries or bananas to oatmeal
  • Dip apples or pears into peanut butter for a mix of fruit, healthy fats, and protein
  • Bring an apple with you on the go, cheap and really easy to transport
How can I add more veggies?
  • Add a bag of frozen broccoli or spinach next time you make a box of mac n' cheese
  • Add some kale to your smoothie for a really cool looking green smoothie
  • Brighten up your stir fried meats with plenty of peppers and onions
  • Make a big salad at the beginning of the week and put it into small containers so it is easy to travel with or ready to eat when you get home and are hungry
  • Try spaghetti squash with your favorite tomato sauce instead of pasta
  • Microwave a bag of steamed veggies and serve as a side dish
  • Mix in zucchini to your next lasagna

Quick Tips:
  • Join a Community Supported Agriculture Program to get plenty of seasonal fruits and veggies while supporting your local farmers
  • When possible, choose organic with foods that you will be eating the skin of (ex: celery, strawberries, peaches)
  • Buy frozen fruits and veggies, they last longer and for out of season foods they are actually fresher than the ones in the "fresh" section
  •  Experiment, try a new fruit or vegetable each week to see which ones are your favorite

Friday, January 21, 2011

Avoid Packing on Pounds at the Parks

Theme Parks such as Disney and Universal are great fun, but are they good for the waistline?

Disney Meal Plan- There are a few different meal plan options, they will save you money if you plan on eating out, but may encourage you to eat more than normal.

On the Lighter Side- Almost all of the restaurants have lighter choices such as salads, veggie burgers, and grilled chicken or seafood. Disney is also very accommodating with special requests; don't be afraid to ask for food made without added oil, having them "hold" the cheese, or replace fries with coleslaw. If you're not on the meal plan share a meal, it will save you both calories and money!

Kids Meals-The kids meals all include apple slices, carrot sticks, and milk along with a small main course. These meals are great options as adults too, but shhhh don't tell Disney.

Desserts- Each meal on the meal plan includes a dessert. Luckily you can ask for fruit in replace of all desserts. The table service restaurants offer fresh fruit bowls(even if they aren't listed) and the quick service offers grapes, apple slices, and applesauce.

Bringing Snacks- Bags are allowed on every attraction in Disney. Pack: dried fruit, bars, nuts, and water(unless you want to pay 2.50 a bottle on Disney Property). Water fountains can also be found readily throughout the parks. 

Universal Meal Plan- Not worth it! It is All-You-Can-Eat from 10:30 until park close, and unless you plan on eating at least 3 times in this time period you are wasting your money. Also the All-You-Can-Eat style may lead you overeat.

On the Lighter Side- There are some healthier options such as salads, but these are not offered at every restaurant, so choice your dining option wisely (my advise it to bring your own food and stop for a side salad or split a light meal later in the day).

Kids Meals- Most are smaller versions of the unhealthy regular meals, YUCK, but some offer grapes and applesauce.

Desserts- Fruit is not offered at many of the restaurants, share the dessert or skip it all together.

Bringing Snacks- Bags are not permitted on all rides, but free lockers are provided while on these attractions. Pack: fruit, bars, nuts, and sandwiches. A reusable bottle can be purchased and it includes unlimited refills. Take advantage of this and use it for water, since fountains at this park are far and few.

  • Plan Ahead- Check out Disney World restaurant choices here or Universal Studios Orlando with this dining info.
  • Get Moving- make sure to take advantage of walking around the parks and stay clear of the elevators.
  • Stay hydrated- I know you will be busy, but take time to drink!
  • Indulge(a bit)- it is vacation, so enjoy yourself, but don't overdo it or you will feel too sluggish to get to the next attraction!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Monkey Business

I will be out of town for the next week and will be back blogging on Monday the 17th. For the mean time I urge you to try this yummy, healthy, and easy to make treat:

Mix the following in blender and enjoy:
  • 1 cup milk beverage (my favorite is unsweetened silk soy milk in the green container)
  • 1 frozen banana (peel a banana and throw it in a zip-lock in the freezer for a few hours)
  • 2 tablespoons of PB2 (powdered peanut butter)
-Packed with protein, healthy fat, vitamins, minerals and deliciousness for under 250 calories.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The best time of day to workout:

With new year's resolutions beginning, many more people are trying to fit a workout into their already busy day. So the question is when is the best time to exercise? The answer is simple, the time that works best for YOU. Though research has shown those who workout in the morning are more apt to stick with an exercise regimen, it is important YOU decide.

  • Barriers- 
    • Need to wake up early.
    • Body is dehydrated.
  • Benefits-  
    • Feel accomplished first thing in the day.
    • Things that may come up later in the day will not get in the way.
  • Strategy- Make sure to fuel your body before hitting the weights
    • Barriers- 
      • Challenge to fit it into the middle of the day especially getting sweaty and having to go back to work.
      • Workout may have to be cut short due to time restraints.
    • Benefits- 
      • Good way to break up the day.
      • Body has time to wake up and become hydrated without being too tired.
    • Strategy- Make sure to save time for a warm up and cool down.
      • Barriers- 
        • Too close to bedtime may disrupt sleep.
        • More time for excuses.
      • Benefits- 
        • Won't have to rush through the workout.
        • Great stress reliever after a long day.
      • Strategy- Leave gym clothes and sneakers in your car.
        ~You will not burn more calories or make your muscles stronger because of what the clock says; you will burn more calories and become stronger based on how much you push yourself. You can also break up your workout into several times a day. However, understand this will give your muscles rest in-between workouts so you will have to work even harder to get the same benefit as one longer workout.~