
Thursday, March 3, 2011

The elevator to success is broken...TAKE THE STAIRS

There are many was to burn calories during the day, even when you are unable to get your workout in. Doing little things throughout the day can really add up to a significant calorie burn. An extra 20-30 minutes of movement spread-out each day can lead to a 10 lb. weight-loss over a year! You may be familiar with some of these tips, but in order for them to be beneficial, you have to do them!!!

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator (if you need to go to a very high floor, get off the elevator 4-5 flights early and walk the rest)
  • Park further away in parking lots (bonus, easier to find parking and it will probably be quicker!)
  • Sit on a stability ball while watching tv or working at a desk (recent studies have shown you can burn up to 4 times more than sitting on a chair)
  • Allow short breaks from the desk to walk around (bonus this will get you more focused and redirected)
  • Walk to co-worker's desks instead of phone calls or e-mails
  • Stand up and if possible walk around while on the phone
  • Have "walking meetings" with co-workers or friends instead of just sitting down and talking
  • Push mower instead of rider when possible
  • Stretch or do calf raises while standing in line at the store
  • Do jumping jacks or side steps during commercial breaks
  • Do squats while waiting for something to heat up on the stove or in the microwave
Make some or all of these a part of your daily routine, and make up some of your own ideas to increase physical activity. Have fun!

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