
Thursday, October 6, 2011

5 Things I like About Gyms

I often hear people say, "I don't do the whole gym thing," "I hate gyms," "I'm not a gym person," etc... However there are a lot of great things about gyms and here are my top 5:

1. Less Distraction: When working out at home there are a lot of distractions that can come up. For example that load of laundry that needs to get done, along with those dishes in the sink...get the point? When you are at the gym, you are there for one main workout! That being said, leave the I-Phone in the locker room.    

2. Motivation: It is motivating to see others workout. Some at your same fitness level, some at a different stage than you; either way you see it it is inspiring to workout with others. 

3. Tools: There are a variety of tools to make your workouts modified or more challenging. Don't get me wrong, great exercises can be performed at home, but the tools at the gym make this process a lot simpler. For example you won't need to go out and buy a new set of weights when yours gets too easy (if you are doing it right, they should get too easy). 

4.Safety: Lets face it, exercise can be dangerous. It is a lot safer to workout in front of others, including trained professionals who work at the gym, in case of an emergency. 

5. They're Cheap: There are tons of gyms that  now offer competitive rates such as $10 a month! Even a more expensive gym ($60 a month) is really only $2 a day, a whoooole lot cheaper at controlling/ preventing chronic diseases than buying medications to treat them down the line.

~See you at the gym, El

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