
Friday, December 23, 2011

Have a Happy and Healthy Holiday  
from Workout for Wellness!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Skip a Step

Stairs are a great way to get physical activity throughout the day and can be a great workout themselves. However, stairs bother many people's knees. If this is you, my advice is...skip a step. The angle is widened when a step is skipped and this puts a lot less pressure on your knee joint. Whether you are experiencing knee pain taking the stairs at work or doing stadiums for a workout...SKIP A STEP. Skipping a step gets heart rate up quick since it engages major muscle groups; be patient and build up the amount of steps you take over time.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Give the Gift of Health!

Still debating on what to get your loved ones for Christmas? Give the gift of health this year; here are some examples:

    Tuesday, December 13, 2011


    Body Mass Index (BMI) is a popular tool used by many health professionals. However there is some confusion of what this really is and what it really means. BMI is simply a calculation of the ratio of weight to height; the number is then associated with a classification. BMI is found by taking weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared OR weight in pounds multiplied by 703 and then divided by height in inches squared. The current classifications are as follows:
    Severely Obese
    Morbidly Obese

    What BMI does NOT measure is body fat percentage. Other means estimate this such as skinfold testing, hydrostatic weighing, and DEXA scanning. During my undergraduate work, I found BMI classifications to be inaccurate amongst several of my classmates since it does NOT take it to account muscle mass or bone density. Therefore, a body builder who is in very good shape could be classified as overweight and a small framed woman who is of a healthy weight could be classified as underweight. For these reasons I ruled out BMI as inaccurate and thought it not to be beneficial.

    Since this time I have worked in various locations with the general public and found BMI to be a fairly accurate dipiction of weight classification. For the most, BMI gives an appropriate weight classification for the GENERAL PUBLIC; this does not include everyone such as athletes and those with certain diseases. BMI is just ONE way of  measuring health status and is a quick tool for health professionals. It is a good tool, but does NOT give the whole picture of health. That being said someone could have a "normal" weight and be very unhealthy. Continue to maintain or work towards a "normal" BMI, but more importantly work on being HEALTHY!

    Sunday, November 27, 2011

    Crystal Light

    OK so here's my rant...

    When you dump a package of Crystal Light in water, you are drinking Crystal Light NOT water. Just like if you add coffee or tea to are drinking coffee or tea not water right? Though drinking Crystal Light does count towards fluid intake and does not add many calories, it is not water. Crystal Light powder is full of artificial sweeteners and food coloring, however you can't find this on their website since ingredients aren't listed (hmm I wonder why?). So if you do choose to drink Crystal Light, do so in "moderation" and don't forget to drink some good ol' H2O too!

    Thursday, November 24, 2011

    To Indulge or Not to Indulge on Thanksgiving...?

    Recently a few people have asked me, "Thanksgiving is only 1 day of the year, is it ok to indulge on food this day while trying to lose weight?"

    Yes Thanksgiving is only 1 day out of the year so why not go CrAzY right? Well first of all every year there is only 1 Christmas AND you will only have one birthday AND  your co-workers will only have 1 birthday (EACH month), etc, etc, etc... Seems there is always an excuse to overeat and "cheat" on eating healthy. Even though Thanksgiving is only 1 day, it can often lead to a spiral of overeating, beginning with holiday leftovers! My advice to you is INDULGE, but not OVERINDULGE. Enjoy the healthful foods the holiday has to offer and treat yourself to some of your favorite holiday "cheats." Really ENJOY your food instead of laying on the floor with stomach pains from overeating it! If you do find yourself eating more than planned on Thanksgiving, get your move on and try eating light on Friday.

    Happy Thanksgiving from Workout for Wellness!

    Sunday, November 20, 2011

    Don’t Stress Over Added Pounds This Holiday Season

    Last week I was asked to write a short article for the hospital I am interning at. Here is a copy...

    The holidays are a lot of fun and usually filled with a lot of food! Many people overindulge this time a year and then try to lose the weight when the New Year comes. How about getting ahead of the game this year and not gaining the extra weight to begin with? Here are 3 easy tips to keep in mind this holiday season to avoid putting on that added weight: 

    Cook Carefully-
    • Steam vegetables instead of cooking them in fat.
    • Replace some of the oil in baked goods with mashed banana or pumpkin. This will save calories and add nice flavor/ texture.
    • If you will be tempted by leftovers, avoid cooking too much extra food.
    Munch Mindfully-
    • Don’t skip breakfast to save calories; this will cause you to overeat at the holiday meal.
    • Put your utensil down in-between bites, enjoy the conversation of company.
    • Listen to your body and stop eating when you are full.
    Move More-
    • Begin an exercise routine or keep up with your current one, don’t wait until New Years!
    • Having company over? Meet up together for a walk before.
    • Take a walk with your family and friends after eating a holiday meal; this is a great way to help digest and to get everyone involved.

    Thursday, November 17, 2011

    Lean Backs

    If you are a client of mine, well you know "Lean Backs" are one of my favorite exercises. Some call these modified sit-ups; some call them cheating sit-ups, but I call them lean backs. No equipment is needed, all you have to do from a seated position is simply lean back. Bend knees and dig heels into ground and lower body towards ground (without going to ground) and sit forward (without coming all the way up). The key to this exercise is abdominals are staying contracted the entire time (unlike a regular sit-up) To make this exercise more challenging sit on a stability ball (without moving the ball) OR hold a weight for added resistance.

    Sunday, November 13, 2011

    Top 5 Weight Loss Tips

    Being in the exercise and nutrition fields, "what's the best way to lose weight?" is the MOST common question I'm ever asked. Weight loss is different for EVERY person and there is not ONE simple solution. However, here is a list of my top 5 weight loss tips:

    1. Increase exercise- Both strength training and cardiovascular training are important when it comes to weight loss. Strength training will not only burn calories, but will build muscle and lead to a boost in metabolism! Cardiovascular training is a great way to really burn those calories! Already exercising? Increase the duration and/ or intensity of your exercise regime. Don't forget to try new exercises so your body doesn't become adapted and stop making improvements.

    2. Plan meals- Plan your weekly menu before going grocery shopping so you will know exactly what to buy. Planning daily menus is a great way to keep from grazing and adding all those extra calories.

    3. Eat real food- Limit the processed junk and go for the real foods with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Processed foods, and those from most restaurants, tend to have a lot of added calories. Many processed foods also have a lot of added artificial ingredients altering your sense of taste. When possible eat food from home.

    4. Limit portion size- This is easier said than done, but there are a few things that may make this easier. Be mindful by eating slowly and putting the utensil or food down in between bites. Use smaller plates, bowls and utensils so you will be less likely to pack on the food. Also, pre-portion out foods instead of eating from the large package.

    5. Be patient- And REALISTIC! Don't expect the weight to all come off in a week. If it does it is most likely water weight and will come back. The longer it takes you to lose the weight, the longer it will stay off. Aim for a goal of 1-2 lbs. or less a week and expect fluctuations. Most importantly, the goal is really to lose fat NOT muscle or bone (properly fuel and train your body right).

    Saturday, November 12, 2011

    Cook for the Week

    Along with the you, I am very busy. During the week, cooking is not often what I feel like doing (or have time for). However, I do want to save money and know the health benefits of eating from home. What works well for me, and for a lot of my clients, is to cook for the week. Plan some menus before going shopping and plan to make meals on the weekend. Healthy casseroles, pasta dishes, soups and stir-frys work great. You can then freeze 1/2 the dish for later in the week or portion it out into small containers for convenience. Experiment with different healthful recipes and have fun!

    Thursday, November 10, 2011

    Tofurky Time

    Thanksgiving is coming, time to start preparing. Having vegetarians over this Thanksgiving? Trying to cut back on meat yourself? Having a small gathering and don't want to buy a whole turkey? Try TOFURKY! This turkey-like course is very tasty with great texture and one serving has 34 grams of protein (more than a meals worth)!

    Tofurky Recipe:
    1. Preheat Oven to 350 °F
    2. Mix Baste:
    -3 tablespoons olive oil
    -1 tablespoon soy sauce
    -1/2 teaspoon ground sage
    -1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
    3. In aluminum foil surround thawed Tofurky with favorite veggies (I use green beans)
    4. Add 1/2 of baste and wrap in the foil
    5. Cook 1 hour 20 minutes
    6. Add rest of baste and cook for another 15 minutes
    Tofurky can be conveniently found at many grocery stores and at most health food stores. Enjoy!

    Monday, October 31, 2011

    Enjoy your Halloween Candy!

    Yes, you read this title correctly, ENJOY your candy. We all know that Halloween candy is not the most nutritious thing to eat. However if you feel you deserve to indulge do so, but with candy you ENJOY. This means avoid eating candy you don't even like just to eat it because it is there. Go ahead and indulge in a treat of candy you love if you want, but STOP THERE! This may even mean donating extra candy or throwing it away (hate to be wasteful, but sometimes it is better to waste it in the trash than to add waste to your body). So ENJOY your favorite and move on!
    Happy Halloween from Workout for Wellness!

    Sunday, October 30, 2011

    Acorn Squash

    What better time to warm up with some delicious winter squash? Acorn squash is a great source of vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium and fiber, and 1 cup is only 60 calories. You can also snack the yummy seeds inside. It can be sauteed or even microwaved, but most commonly baked. Here's how:
    • Preheat Oven to 350° F
    • Slice squash in half and scoop out seeds (set aside for roasting)
    • Lightly coat flesh of squash with olive oil and put on a baking pan flesh down
    • If desired, add garlic, cinnamon or salt/ pepper, but I honestly think it tastes great plain! 
    • Cook for about an hour (depending on the size of squash)
    • Turn oven down to 275° F 
    • Pull any squash away from seeds 
    • Mix seeds with 1/2 tbsp olive oil and a dash of salt
    • Put aluminum foil or parchment paper on baking pan
    • Bake for 15 minutes or until seeds begin to pop open

    Monday, October 24, 2011

    Food Day

    Happy Food Day Everyone! Today is the nation's first annual Food Day. This grassroots effort was spearheaded by one of my favorite organizations, Center for Science in the Public Interest. The main goals of Food Day are to:
    1. Reduce diet-related disease by promoting safe, healthy foods.
    2. Support sustainable farms & limit subsidies to big agribusiness.
    3. Expand access to food and alleviate hunger.
    4. Protect the environment & animals by reforming factory farms.
    5. Promote health by curbing junk-food marketing to kids.
    6. Support fair conditions for food and farm workers.

    What will you do to recognize Food Day? Here are some simple ideas:
    Eat Real America!

    Friday, October 21, 2011

    Time to Exercise

    "You will never FIND time to exercise. If you want time you must MAKE IT."

    Tuesday, October 18, 2011

    Take Your Workout Outside!

    With the great fall weather finally here, take advantage of it! Though my last post discussed some benefits of gyms, they aren't the only good place to workout. Grab a friend and some free weights then take your workout outdoors.

    Thursday, October 6, 2011

    5 Things I like About Gyms

    I often hear people say, "I don't do the whole gym thing," "I hate gyms," "I'm not a gym person," etc... However there are a lot of great things about gyms and here are my top 5:

    1. Less Distraction: When working out at home there are a lot of distractions that can come up. For example that load of laundry that needs to get done, along with those dishes in the sink...get the point? When you are at the gym, you are there for one main workout! That being said, leave the I-Phone in the locker room.    

    2. Motivation: It is motivating to see others workout. Some at your same fitness level, some at a different stage than you; either way you see it it is inspiring to workout with others. 

    3. Tools: There are a variety of tools to make your workouts modified or more challenging. Don't get me wrong, great exercises can be performed at home, but the tools at the gym make this process a lot simpler. For example you won't need to go out and buy a new set of weights when yours gets too easy (if you are doing it right, they should get too easy). 

    4.Safety: Lets face it, exercise can be dangerous. It is a lot safer to workout in front of others, including trained professionals who work at the gym, in case of an emergency. 

    5. They're Cheap: There are tons of gyms that  now offer competitive rates such as $10 a month! Even a more expensive gym ($60 a month) is really only $2 a day, a whoooole lot cheaper at controlling/ preventing chronic diseases than buying medications to treat them down the line.

    ~See you at the gym, El

    Saturday, October 1, 2011

    Get PUMPed for Breakfast

    It's official, October is here, happy fall everyone! What better way to enjoy with some warm seasonal oatmeal. Oatmeal is a great source of soluble fiber which will help to reduce LDL cholesterol. Add in some pumpkin for another great source of fiber along with potassium, beta carotene and other antioxidants and voila you have one of the healthiest breakfasts on the block!
    • 1 cup prepared- Oats (groats, steel cut, rolled, or instant will all work- pick your favorite)
    • 1/3 cup Canned Pumpkin 
    • 3/4 tsp Vanilla Extract*
    • 3/4 tsp Cinnamon*
    •  Sprinkle of Nutmeg*
    *Pumpkin pie spice may be used instead, this adds a different flavor with some cloves and ginger
    1. Prepare oats
    2. Mix in pumpkin and spices
    3. Enjoy!
    To make creamier:
    • Prepare with milk or add it in after
    To make sweeter:

    Friday, September 30, 2011

    A Handful of Nuts...

    Nuts make a great convenient snack and there are so many different types to choose from. They are loaded with healthy fats and are a good source of protein. When choosing nuts aim for "raw," if not get "dry-roasted." If you need added flavor get "lightly salted", but make sure to check ingredients and avoid "monosodium glutamate." The major downfall with nuts is that 1 serving is an ounce (which is a single handful) for about 190 calories. Therefore when eating nuts try to limit your portion size to 1-2 handfuls. This can be easier if you portion out your nuts right when you get them in 1/4 cup servings.
    Here are the number of nuts it takes to equal about 190 calories:
    Almonds- 24
    Brazil nuts-7
    Cashews- 19
    Macadamia nuts-11
    Pecans halves- 20
    Pistachios- 54
    Walnuts- 7
    Life is nutty, enjoy!

    Thursday, September 29, 2011

    Sunday, September 25, 2011

    The trouble with "moderation"

    The new term nutrition professionals have been making apart of advising clients is "moderation." I have been guilty of this myself. Yes, when "moderation" is really moderate, it can be a great thing when making not-so fantastic food choices every now and again. The problem is what does "moderation" really mean? Well the term is so vague and moderate to one person is something completely different to someone else. According to the "rule of moderation" someone can have junk food all day as long as it is all in moderate amounts. If you are aiming to get or stay healthy, re-evaluating the meaning of "moderation" may be key.

    What to do?
    First of all, you do not need to GIVE UP your favorite food vice, but you may need to cut back. If it is a splurge you have once or twice a year at a holiday, go ahead and enjoy. However, if you know you are making poor food choices everyday or at every meal, it might be time to make some changes. You may however feel that you DESERVE to treat yourself and you don't want to DEPRIVE yourself from these foods. In reality do you really DESERVE to harm your body with foods that don't work with it? The only thing you may be DEPRIVING yourself from is reaching your health goals. There are so many healthy AND delicious food choices out there so go and enjoy! And remember, when you do choose less than great food choices, do so in "MODERATION" wink wink.

    Friday, September 23, 2011

    Top 5 myths about eating vegetarian

    There are a lot of myths out there about food in general, here are 5 about going veg...
    1) You won't get enough protein in
    False- First of all, the standard protein recommendation is 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight. This is EASILY achieved with a vegetarian diet.
    Here are some examples of grams of protein in the following: 
    1 tofurky sausage- 29
    3 tbsp. nutritional yeast- 16
    3 oz. tofu- 10
    1 cup cooked pasta- 8
    1 cup soy milk- 7
    2 tbsp. peanut butter- 7
    1/2 cup kidney beans- 7
    24 almonds- 6

    Second of all, when was the last time you heard of a vegetarian being hospitalized for protein malnutrition??? To be honest, there are a lot more omnivores with nutrient "deficiencies" such vitamins, potassium and lack of healthy fats such monounsaturated fats. Many people are eating too much of non-nutrition dense foods that the body has to work very hard to process these foods and does not get the full benefit of healthy foods even when they are eaten.

    It is important when ingesting a non-animal protein source that it is complete protein. For example: nuts with grains, beans with rice, pasta with lentils or tofu (soy). Remember, protein does not need to be overloaded and it should only account for less than 20% of total caloric intake for the day. Don't get me wrong, protein is important, but too much will lead to issues with the kidneys and liver (for omnivores and vegetarians alike).

    2) There are not enough vegetarian food choices
    False- This one is completely bogus! There are soooooo many food choices. There are a lot of fake meat substitutes if you are trying to transition to a more vegetarian way of life. After this transition there are so many foods to choose from such as tempeh, tofu, lentils, beans, nuts, seeds, grains, oh ya and did I forget to mention all the FRUITS AND VEGGIES there are! Find TONS of great recipes at vegweb.

    3) Vegetarian eating is healthy eating
    False- Pop tarts, cheetos and oreos are all vegetarian; most potato chips are vegan. It is important to REPLACE healthy foods in the place of meat, not just REMOVE meat from the diet and add junk.

    4) It is too expensive 
    False- Tofu is about $2.00- $3.00 per lb. and a can of beans is about $ 1.00. Also for every highly processed item is that is left out of the grocery cart, a produce item can be purchased. To be honest, going vegetarian should actually SAVE you money. 

    5) You have to eat vegetarian all the time to reap the benefits.
    False- Though there is much scientific proven evidence showing the vast benefits of vegetarian eating on body weight, blood pressure, cholesterol and overall health; it does NOT have to be the all or nothing approach. If you choose to only do 1-2 meals a day vegetarian, that is great too. For starters try meatless 1 day of the week, check Meatless Mondays for more info. 

    Sunday, September 18, 2011


    Looking for a better alternative to regular acidic coffee that leads to a crash? Try teeccino! This herbal coffee made with chicory is caffeine free and has so much flavor that no sugar is needed to enjoy this yummy beverage! They are available in several different natural flavors. Interested in trying a taste? Ask me for your sample.

    Wednesday, September 7, 2011

    Tea Time

    Trying to save calories, but not get into the "diet soda slum," which can actually cause you to eat MORE calories? Water too boring? Drink herbal tea!!! There are so many different flavors to enjoy, so experiment and decide which one is your favorite (mine is Celestial Tension Tamer). No, it is not as sweet as soda, juice or sweetened tea, but with time your pallet will change and you can enjoy the tea without sweetener. Bonus: many of these herbs have natural healing properties.

    Make Herbal Iced Tea:
    • Boil 4 cups of water.
    • Add 8 tea bags to large serving pitcher
    • Stir in water and steep tea bags for 6-8 minutes
    • Remove tea bags and add sweetener-OPTIONAL (I prefer it without any)
    • Add 4 cups of cold water and stir
    • Keep in the fridge for a refreshing treat!

    Saturday, September 3, 2011

    Ingredient Info

    I am always mentioning how important it is to read ingredients of food you eat. Here is a great resource to find out more information about additives to see if they are safe or should be avoided.

    Friday, September 2, 2011

    Break the Fast

    There are a lot of nutrition myths out there, but the importance of eating breakfast in the morning is NOT one of them.

    Breakfast is essentially breaking the fast since dinner the night before, get it: break-fast. A lot of people get worried that if they eat breakfast in the morning they are more hungry during the day....PERFECT! This is the metabolism actually working. If you go for a while without eating the body inherently thinks it is preparing for starvation mode and slows down the amount of calories it is burning (halting weight loss). If the last time you eat before bed is 8:00 pm, wake up at 7:00am and get ready for work, head to work for 9:00am, and then decide to eat some lunch around 12:00pm- that is 16 hours without eating!

    What to do?
    Well for starters EAT BREAKFAST. If you aren't a big breakfast eater that's okay just start small. Breakfast does not have to be (and shouldn't be) a big 5 course meal. Breakfast does not need to be "breakfast foods." If you are new to eating breakfast it might take some time to adjust and you may need to start small with something like a yogurt or piece of toast.

    One example of a great breakfast is a grain, a protein and a fruit; here are some examples:
    • Smoothie with strawberries, soy milk and wheat germ.
    • Toast with natural peanut butter and banana slices.
    • Yogurt with granola and blueberries.
    • Oatmeal with soy milk and raisins.
    • Clif bar with an apple.

    Tuesday, August 30, 2011

    Really Read the Ingredients!!!!

    This week while at the grocery store I remembered a recipe I recently heard about with Fiber One Original Cereal mixed with peanut butter. I decided to pick up a box and grabbed the store name brand instead (since it was cheaper). Before putting into my cart I did a quick check on the ingredients (which were identical to the name-brand), looked over the nutrition facts and was pretty pleased. I went on my merry way and enjoyed my fiber one cereal the next day. Yesterday while gazing in my pantry something stuck out to me on the cereal label: ASPARTAME. Yes, the chemical that is used in diet coke- the one that has been shown to alter your taste buds and make you crave more food. Needless to say it is really important you REALLY read the ingredients because you are what you eat right?

    Thursday, August 18, 2011

    Yes, you can cook eggs in the microwave...

    I hear a lot of people complain there is not enough time in the morning to make breakfast and cold breakfast foods aren't satisfying. So instead, they either skip breakfast all together or wait 623 hours at the drive thru for an egg sandwich (okay maybe not that long, but you get the point). Most of these sandwiches aren't made with the best eggs or ingredients and they cost more than making one at home. But then again, it takes too long to make an egg sandwich at home in the morning right? WRONG!

    1. LIGHTLY coat a microwave safe bowl in olive oil.
    2. Crack 2 organic eggs in bowl.
    3. Poke the yolks and slightly mix.
    4. Put 100% Whole Grain: Bread, English Muffin, Bagel, etc... in the toaster.
    5. Microwave the eggs for 1-1:30 minutes (depending on your microwave).
    5. Pop out the eggs from bowl and they will be in the perfect shape to place on your sandwich.

    Spice it up:
    • Add spices to the egg mixture before it is microwaved such as: Pepper, Oregano or Basil.
    Veg it up:
    • Cut up tomato slices the night before to top on your sandwich.
    • Chop up peppers the night before to be added to egg mixture before it is microwaved.
    Why use organic eggs? 
    Many people stray from organic eggs because "they cost too much," instead they are proud when they find a great deal on cage free eggs or free range/ free roaming. These are NOT the same as certified organic eggs.

    Cage free eggs do not have any standards or auditing procedures for food or living conditions. Hens are not in cages, but usually PACKED inside barns or warehouses without access to the outdoors. Free range/ free roaming eggs have no auditing procedures for food or living conditions. The birds are inside barns or warehouses and have outdoor access. However, there are no standards on the amount of outdoor space available and time allotted outside. Certified organic eggs aren't in cages and are required to have outdoor access. They are fed an organic, vegetarian diet without antibiotics and pesticides, as required and audited by the USDA. This means if they aren't fed the antibiotics and pesticides, NEITHER WILL YOU BE!

    Organic eggs usually are about $3.90 per dozen, which comes to about 32¢ per egg. Which means a breakfast sandwich made at home with 2 organic eggs is less than $1.00, that is even cheaper than the drive thru! Bonus: organic eggs taste better. Enjoy your breakfast sandwich and let me know what you think.

    Saturday, August 13, 2011

    Agave Nectar

    Agave nectar is a sweetener that has recently gained popularity. It comes from a plant similar to the cactus and has a lower glycemic index than sugar (meaning it will not give as big of a blood sugar spike). Unlike artificial sweeteners, agave nectar can be used to make baked goods; since it is moist, some of the fat can also be reduced in certain recipes. You can virtually use agave nectar in place of sugar in anything you want sweetened, and since it is sweeter than sugar less amounts are needed.

    Don't go CrAzY! Agave nectar has 60 calories per tablespoon(15 more calories than table sugar) and these calories can add up fast. Always work on decreasing sweeteners overall.

    Sunday, August 7, 2011

    Mango "Yogurt"

    Looking for a refreshing dairy free treat? Try this protein packed treat full of vitamins and minerals. This can also be used as a midday snack or a larger portion can stand in as a meal replacement.
    • 1 lb. bag of frozen mangos
    • 14 oz. container of tofu
    • Favorite sweetener (optional)
    • Slices of fresh ginger (optional)
    • Drain excess liquid out of tofu, but do not squeeze dry.
    • Combine mangos, tofu, sweetener (optional), and ginger (optional) in food processor
    • Blend until smooth
    • Enjoy!

    • Leftovers can be stored in freezer (like ice cream)!
    • Due to the natural sugar in mango, I love this treat without any added sweetener. However, if you are new to the taste of soy, you may want a little added sweetener at first.

    Wednesday, August 3, 2011

    Portion it out

    If you are like the majority of Americans, portion size is a struggle. Buying pre-portioned food is usually more expensive than buying in bulk. However buying big packages leads to overeating of more than one serving size at a time. One way to help with this is to pre-portion your own food. It only takes a few minutes and some baggies for $1-$2(which will last you weeks, if not months). Check out the portion size on your favorite snack (you may be surprised), grab a measuring cup and portion them out into small bags. The best way to do this is right after the grocery store and then you can easily grab a snack to take on the go, put one in your lunch box, or to have as a snack at home. If you decide that one baggie isn't enough, grab a second, at least you know you are having 2 servings, NOT 10! Happy bagging!

    Sunday, July 31, 2011

    Save Calories when ordering PIZZA

    The average American eats 46 slices of pizza a year! Whether that is you or not, here are some simple ways to cut calories when you are ordering pizza.
    1. Order thin crust (this could save up to 800 calories per pizza- that is the difference at Uno's)
    2. Ask for 1/2 the cheese (or be adventures and get no cheese at all, you may be pleasantly surprised)
    3. Order vegetables instead of meat toppings (broccoli, peepers, garlic, or mushrooms are popular)
    4. Split the pizza (having trouble deciding which topping to share with others? Get a half and half pizza instead of 2. This way you won't be tempted by extra slices or leftovers)
    5. Get whole wheat crust when available (this may not immediately save calories, but it will increase fiber)
    **Bonus, save some calories when eating pizza:
    • Put pizza down in-between bites.
    • Get a side salad to replace your 2nd slice

      Sunday, July 24, 2011

      Brown Bag (or Thermal Lunchbox) It!

      Trying to save money? Trying to eat healthier? Want to know what's really in the food you are eating? Well.... make it yourself. Eating out for lunch a couple times a week can really add up (not only money, but extra calories too). Bringing your lunch can be less work than you may think and take less time than waiting in line at a drive-thru somewhere. Follow these easy tips and meal ideas to get you started...

      • Set a day to prepare meals (Sunday works well for a lot of people). This way you can make them all at once and have them ready to grab when you are leaving for work. If you make a big casserole or pasta dish, you can separate into different small containers and freeze some for later in the week. Big batches of fruit and vegetable salad make it really easy to eat healthy on the go.
      • Pack ice packs if no fridge is available during the day or if you have a long commute.
      • Try to have at least 1 fruit and a vegetable each meal.
      • Mix it up, don't get caught in the exact same thing everyday or you might get bored.
      Meal Ideas:
      • Sandwich (4 slices of meat or meat alternative and mustard on 100% whole grain bread), Salad (with dressing on the side), and a Piece of Fruit
      • 1 cup Whole Grain Pasta with Tomato Sauce, and 2 servings of  Dried Fruit
      • Crackers to dip in Hummus or Peanut Butter, and favorite veggies to heat up (frozen works great)
      • Your Favorite Soup to microwave with a piece of 100% Whole Grain Bread to dip into it, and a Piece of Fruit
      • A Sweet Potato to microwave, a Boiled Egg, and a Salad (with dressing on the side)
      • Veggie Burger to microwave, Fruit Salad, and 1/2 PB&J Sandwich
      • Tuna or Chickpea Salad over a big bed of Romaine Lettuce, handful of Nuts, and a small Piece of Fruit

      Sunday, July 17, 2011

      The Best Day to Weigh

      Once a week is ideal to weigh in on the scale. This will keep you in check, without getting flustered with day-to-day fluctuations.

      Things to keep in mind when weighing in to avoid error:
      • Try to weigh at the same time of day each time
      • Use the bathroom before weighing
      • Wear similar clothes each time you weigh (or nothing at all)
      • Fluctuations are normal and usually range from 1-5 pounds
      • Don't worry about a small fluctuation since this may be water weight or from not doing one of the above items to avoid error
      • Fluctuations are normal, HOWEVER don't confuse this with weight creeping up. 
      • Know the range of weight you are in and the range you are trying to get in (if this is different), rather than a specific number.

      Thursday, July 7, 2011

      10,000 Steps

      10,000 steps is the recommended amount of steps you should walk EACH day. For the average person this accumulates to about 5 miles total; which means depending on length of stride, 1 mile takes about 2,000 strides to complete. 5 miles may seem like a lot, but spread out over an entire day is doable for almost anyone.

      Keep track:
      A super easy way to keep track of steps per day is with a pedometer. These little gadgets click right on your pants and count the number of steps you take. A regular one can be purchased for as little as $3.00; a more for a complex one that keeps a record and counts calories is about $30.00. 

      Keep track of the number of steps you take each day. If you aren't at 10,000 yet, work your way up there. Some sedentary people only get 1,000-2,000 steps in, so if this is you make small goals and work on increasing steps by at least 1,000 a day until you reach your goal.

      Already at 10,000? Then you need a bigger goal!

      A stepping challenge is a great worksite wellness activity where you can challenge your co-workers to see who takes the most steps. It is one of the affordable and effective ways to get the office moving. Prizes can be incorporated for winners to make it more competitive.

      Steps aren't just from walks:
      All movement throughout the day count; the more you move around, the more steps add up. Dancing or aerobic exercise classes have a lot of sideways movement that each count as a step. Some of these classes can add up to almost 10,000 steps per class! Incorporating more physical activity such as parking further away from entrances will also drastically increase the amount of steps you take.

      Friday, July 1, 2011

      It’s 5K Time!

      A 5K (5 kilometers/ 3.1 miles) is a popular distance for organized walks and runs. Signing up for 5K races is a great way to get involved and stay active.

      Keep it local-
      Have about an hour and ½ free to spare? That is about how long it will take you to travel to AND complete a 5K race in your local area. Help out local organizations by giving back to the community you live in. 

      Destination Race-
      Plan a trip around a 5K; there are 5Ks almost everywhere you can imagine with all different themes and benefit various causes. 
      Challenge yourself-
      Try to beat your time at future 5K races or sign up for a longer race. Races are of all different distances, but some of the most popular longer runs are: 5 miles, 10Ks(6.2 miles), 15Ks(9.3 miles), 10 miles, half marathon(13.1 miles), 15 miles, and marathon(26.2 miles).

      Not Quite Ready-
      Many 5K races do not have a cut-off time and allow walking. If you feel you still aren’t ready for the 3.1 mile journey, try a 1 miler. Many 5K races are associated with a 1 mile walk/ run and some 1 milers are standalone races.

      Get Everyone Involved-
      Ask a friend, family member, or co-worker to join you. Most races are open to all ages and even allow strollers; some even welcome pets!

      Looking for more information-
      • Read the newspaper and town/ city bulletins.
      • Check with local schools.
      • Ask fitness centers and professionals
      • Find a local running organization, if living in Tallahassee check out Gulf Winds for local races.
      ~You do not need to be a runner to run a race.~

      Wednesday, June 22, 2011

      Nutritional Yeast

      I often use nutritional yeast in recipes and you may have seen it in one of these previous blogs: smashed cauliflower, chickpea salad, popcorn, or dairy free lasagna. Lately a few people have been asking about it, so I wanted to brag about this awesome ingredient that I think everyone should have in their pantry.

      Nutritional yeast is inactivated yeast fortified with several vitamins. It has only 1 gram of fat with a whopping 4 grams of fiber and 8 grams of complete protein for a 1 1/2 Tbsp serving. It has a cheesy flavor and can be used in many recipes instead of cheese or for topping on salads, pastas, sandwiches, and such. It is in the form of flakes and can be sprinkled like parmesan cheese. Keep in mind, it tastes different than cheese and very different than parmesan cheese; it has it's own unique taste when eaten plain, but when mixed in dishes it is hard to tell it isn't REAL cheese. So if you are looking for: a way to cut back on high fat cheese and increase protein, avoid stomach discomfort after eating dairy, or just a new flavor in some of your favorite dishes, nutritional yeast is it!
      Nutritional yeast is about $3 per container and can be purchased at most health food stores in the cooking section or in the bulk section(for cheaper). I urge you to give it a try, what do you have to lose?

      Tuesday, June 21, 2011

      Cereal at it's Finest

      A common question I hear is, "what is the best cereal?" There are so many cereals on the market that choosing the best one down the cereal isle can be very overwhelming.  Many cereals make ridiculous health claims, and it seems everyday there is a "new and improved" cereal to choose from. Disappointingly, many of these new cereals contain: too much sugar, not enough fiber, or many artificial ingredients such as sweeteners and imitation fiber. However, there IS a cereal with real fiber and without any added sugar or artificial ingredients.

      Regular Ol' Shredded Wheat, in my opinion, is the best cold cereal on the market! This cereal can be of brand name or store/generic name and has only 1 ingredient(whole wheat). A 1 cup serving packs 6-7 grams of both protein and fiber.

      Shredded Wheat is a great tasting breakfast cereal with a little bit of milk. However, if you crave more flavor, create your own favorite cereal with one or a combination of the following:
      • Cinnamon and sugar
      • Agave nectar
      • Local honey
      • Raisins
      • Chopped dates
      • Freeze dried fruit
      • Fresh strawberries and blueberries
      • Sliced bananas
        Shredded Wheat is not only great as a breakfast cereal, but it can also be used as:
        • Croutons on salad
        • Crackers in soup
        • Crunchiness in yogurt
        • Crackers for peanut butter
        • Part of a trail mix
        • Snack on the go
        So next time you find yourself frazzled in the cereal isle, DON'T BE, just grab for the Shredded Wheat, and you and your tummy will be pleased.