
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Top 5 Weight Loss Tips

Being in the exercise and nutrition fields, "what's the best way to lose weight?" is the MOST common question I'm ever asked. Weight loss is different for EVERY person and there is not ONE simple solution. However, here is a list of my top 5 weight loss tips:

1. Increase exercise- Both strength training and cardiovascular training are important when it comes to weight loss. Strength training will not only burn calories, but will build muscle and lead to a boost in metabolism! Cardiovascular training is a great way to really burn those calories! Already exercising? Increase the duration and/ or intensity of your exercise regime. Don't forget to try new exercises so your body doesn't become adapted and stop making improvements.

2. Plan meals- Plan your weekly menu before going grocery shopping so you will know exactly what to buy. Planning daily menus is a great way to keep from grazing and adding all those extra calories.

3. Eat real food- Limit the processed junk and go for the real foods with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Processed foods, and those from most restaurants, tend to have a lot of added calories. Many processed foods also have a lot of added artificial ingredients altering your sense of taste. When possible eat food from home.

4. Limit portion size- This is easier said than done, but there are a few things that may make this easier. Be mindful by eating slowly and putting the utensil or food down in between bites. Use smaller plates, bowls and utensils so you will be less likely to pack on the food. Also, pre-portion out foods instead of eating from the large package.

5. Be patient- And REALISTIC! Don't expect the weight to all come off in a week. If it does it is most likely water weight and will come back. The longer it takes you to lose the weight, the longer it will stay off. Aim for a goal of 1-2 lbs. or less a week and expect fluctuations. Most importantly, the goal is really to lose fat NOT muscle or bone (properly fuel and train your body right).

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